Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Installing Puppy Linux on USB Flash Drive Without CD

Puppy Linux is the very light weight OS (About 200 MB) which can be run easily from USB Flash drive. So that you can keep your OS with you only.
Also it provides many built in apps which are required for general purposes like PDF reader, Media Player etc.

So lets see how to install Puppy Linux OS directly into your USB Flash drive without Live CD.

Prerequisites :
1. Puppy Linux ISO Image. (
2. UNetbootin Software. (

Installing Puppy Linux to USB Flash Drive :
UNetbootin is portable tool which can be run directly without installing.

Open the UNetbootin tool as show below.

1. You can install Puppy Linux directly online but in this case we have 
    ISO image so we will install it offline.
2. Select Diskimage option.
3. Keep ISO selected as it is.
4. Next browse and select ISO Image of Puppy Linux OS.
5. Select type as "USB Drive" and then select the Drive letter of your USB 
    Flash drive.

6. Click on OK and wait for finish. It will take 5-10 minutes to
     complete the process.


      Now you have Linux OS on the go. Just plug it to any machine select 
      the USB Flash drive from Boot options (Usually F12 Button to invoke Boot options).
      Puppy Linux takes very less space for memory too, so it works on almost all old machines.

      Comment below for any doubts.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Installing Windows 7 From USB Drive Without Any Software...

         I wanted to install windows 7 on my machine but without any software. So after searching a lot I got simple steps with out less prerequisites to install windows 7. Simply follow the steps given below.

Prerequisite : 

1. You need USB drive with at least 8GB of space.
2. Windows 7 bootable image.

Open Command Prompt :
Open command prompt from one the way's given below :
1. Open command from Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt.

2. Open run and type "cmd" and press Enter key.

open command prompt with "Run As Administrator", otherwise you won't get access.

Open Diskpart Utility:

on cmd type diskpart and press ENTER diskpart window will be open now.

Prepare USB Drive.

On the Diskpart window type "list disk".

All disk connected to computer will be listed. Select the one which is your USB Drive  by using below command.
select disk 1
Note : You can identify your Disk by observing the disk space.

Execute below commands.

Now if You have ISO image extract it with Winrar or any other software

Copy Installation Files:

Copy extracted files directly to USB Drive 
Note : don't create any folder inside USB Drive copy files as it is.
If you have DVD of windows 7 setup then also you can copy files from there to your USB Drive.